Father Jewels Society

The 2024 opening ceremonies kicked off Sunday evening with the unveiling (release from the closet) of the Father Jewels plaque with a toast of cold Coronas (minus the limes). The traditional steak dinner that soon followed was complimented by the official wine of FJ, Charles Krug. Evening vespers included a toast (minus the Bookers) to our dear friend and former participant, Mark Weiner. Though no new snow had fallen recently, there was a firm base of 12" at FJ headquarters to ensure an adequate surface for the ski slopes at Stratton. The weather was clear, sunny and warm for both days. His eminence surely was pleased. After a hearty breakfast of eggs, toast and sausage, the boys hit the trails while first paying their respects to FJ with a 3 & 1/2 finger salute at the mountain summit. Though they never attained the run rate of the past (7 runs in one hour), the pace remained steady and strong. An early afternoon lunch was eaten at SMC served with the traditional Bloody Mary's (Palmeri had a beer as the Bloody recipe had changed after Danny, the long time bartender, retired). "Ooops" transgressions were recorded over the weekend with each member recording multiple infractions, including Palmeri's 9th inning misstep that put him over the allowable limit (3) and into the penalty box along with Solomon. Penalties will be metered out at the next Grievance Committee meeting. Evenings were spent consuming a growler of Harpoon beer, sitting by the fire with a scoootch in hand or playing billiards downstairs (one guess of who the reigning champ is - hint, it rhymes with Sailor). Shuffle board returned to the basement olympics with Palmeri coming back from an 18-2 deficit against Solomon to win 21-18. As the closing ceremonies began, it became apparent that our 20th anniversary is approaching next year, in 2025. A motion was put forth to hold this special event at an offsite venue with the members of the YaYa sisterhood in attendance. The suggestion of Zermatt was floated and approved. Will the Father give his blessing? Stay tuned.